Plastered in Paris
Went away for the weekend last weekend while my mum and step-dad came round to fix the flat up a bit in advance of the forthcoming sale. As my ma was coming down as well as my DIY minded step-dad (as in good around the house – what’s the world coming to etc), I spent quite a while cleaning the house and doing stuff in order for it to look spotless, sparkling and generally in tip top condition. I thought this would mean my ma could just chill for the weekend...
....errrrrrrrrrrrrr, no.
Missed the washing basket as well as 1,000,000 other things. Never has a page of A4 left me feeling so very thankful yet so f*cking useless......
Missed the washing basket as well as 1,000,000 other things. Never has a page of A4 left me feeling so very thankful yet so f*cking useless......
And in other news I went to Paris. I was very pleased with the way I managed to mix with the locals seamlessly in their native tongue. One particular bit of dialogue with a shopkeeper stuck in the mind:
Me (in best French accent): "Bonjour. C’est combien?"
Shopkeeper: "It’s two Euro forty sir."
And I also had a top evening with... three favourite Frenchies; Mai, Alice and
Melissa Theuriau (who is just out of shot)......and a selection of very nice Irish
people, of which two of four are above...
Melissa Theuriau (who is just out of shot)......and a selection of very nice Irish
people, of which two of four are above...
...and a selection of very nice Irish people’s very nice
beer. Label says it all really. Thanks again guys.