Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Plastered in Paris

Went away for the weekend last weekend while my mum and step-dad came round to fix the flat up a bit in advance of the forthcoming sale. As my ma was coming down as well as my DIY minded step-dad (as in good around the house – what’s the world coming to etc), I spent quite a while cleaning the house and doing stuff in order for it to look spotless, sparkling and generally in tip top condition. I thought this would mean my ma could just chill for the weekend...

....errrrrrrrrrrrrr, no.

Missed the washing basket as well as 1,000,000 other things. Never has a page of A4 left me feeling so very thankful yet so f*cking useless......

And in other news I went to Paris. I was very pleased with the way I managed to mix with the locals seamlessly in their native tongue. One particular bit of dialogue with a shopkeeper stuck in the mind:

Me (in best French accent): "Bonjour. C’est combien?"
Shopkeeper: "It’s two Euro forty sir."

And I also had a top evening with...

...my three favourite Frenchies; Mai, Alice and
Melissa Theuriau (who is just out of shot)......and a selection of very nice Irish
people, of which two of four are above...

...and a selection of very nice Irish people’s very nice
beer. Label says it all really. Thanks again guys.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger Mark Millward said...

1) plastered in paris: flamin' genius that. top pun. pretend i've just made a pun featuring the word 'cast'.

2) fair does to your mum - what's she doing next weekend? will she be near the south manchester area? i am family after all...

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Hotstuff said...

My ears pricked up when I read:

"fair does to your mum - what's she doing next weekend?"

I thought for a second that we were going to have another Mrs Gartside blog comment moment then...

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Favourite comment:

"I've cleaned the cooker as best I could"

I imagine it's only the stubborn grease stains that are holding it together.

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And in other news...

I got a letter the other day saying that a TV crew were going to be filming the Bill outside my house between 8.30am and 10am today. I got up this morning and there they were – a load of scruffy, unfit looking technical types sniffing around carrying clip boards. My newly painted front door will be on the Bill which fills me with excitement. There will however be trouble if the plod arrest some scally drug dealer and pin him up against my shiny varnished door as part of the scuffle.

This is the best thing since that time they filmed Cracker in Owens Park Bar.

It's RL btw. Site is playing up again.

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Mark Millward said...

I didn't know Owen had a Park, let alone a Bar in his Park. Some fancy dan life they live in New Zealand, eh?

At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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YEP, that’s right, there’s this little known website which shows you how to get to the top 10 of Google and other search engines guaranteed.

I used it and in just 7 days… got floods of traffic to my site...

…Well check out the incredible results for yourself -

I’m not trying to be rude here, but I believe when you find something that finally works you should share it…

…so that’s what I’m doing today, sharing it with you:


Take care - your friend Jennifer


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