That is teh bestest video EVER. Love the editing, esp. the Smajey shots. My apologies for not getting any live video action of him, but there's a limit to how fast I can react to greased lightning flashing by.
Can you InterBox me a copy of this masterpiste? Gracias.
AE, Fyi Marie went for the 'twist and shout' on a red run, necessitating a hasty trip down the mountainside in a skidoo-drawn bodybag, medical shindiggery (kneediggery?) and a taxi back to our own resort.
She's now happily ensconsed in bed, having had me to do all the housework/food making/sorting of animals in the snow(!), and is chuckling to herself about not going into work for the next week or so.
(but seriously (now she's reading this), she's alright - the knee will take a few days to be properly useable though. I'll start preparing tomorrow's dinner now...)
Bravo, Lunt! An absolute masterpiece. Brilliant. Some fine action shots. Particularly enjoyed your impressive 360 - you'll be in the acrobatic contest next time.
What a great holiday, apart from Marie's injury. Glad to hear that she'll recover soon, although since she has Pete running round like an obedient butler, perhaps the knee might take a little longer than expected to heal ;-)?
Btw, I won't spoil the story for the readers, but I suggest that you make another post describing your incident with the French police - potential 'disaster for Lunt' if ever there was one.
Righto. It goes like this. I was walking through the xray/metal detector area at Chamonix airport and was waiting for my bag to come through the x-ray machine. Wondering why my bag wasn't coming out the other side I turned to the man looking at the screen who looked visibly worried. He then murmured to his pal for a while before bringing ALL of his security guard cronies (e.g. the people feeding stuff into the machines, the body searchers etc) over to the screen to have a look. Much screen pointing and murmuring occurred in the following minutes, including the immortal line from a guard to Charlotte when she asked what was going on - 'zis has the makings of a bomb'.
Eventually, after such time that the security folk looked convinced there was a primed explosive device sitting five foot from them, a bloke from the French plod came in to have a squiz. After yet more finger pointing and murmuring the policeman and a crony escorted me outside the building with my briefcase and walked me to a grassy an area away from the airport building (as to not kill to many people when my ‘bomb’ went off I presume). He then made me open my bag and pass the stuff to him. I took the black box I had in the bag out (clearly the main offending article), opened it up and handed it to him. He looked bemused at the sight of two hundred 11.5g plastic brightly coloured coin inlay poker chips, a set of plastic playing cards and a plastic dealer button. They must have thought that this was the bomb and the electronic game and phone wires in the bag was the detonating material.
I resisted the temptation to say 'KABOOM' when opening the box in order to avoid being shot/a custodial sentence.
I might sort the pictures out soon as well and plonk them on.
I for one can see no problem whatsoever with thoroughly inspecting a man who knowingly carries on to a plane ANY item which resembles an explosive device. I'm actually saddened by the lenient view the gendarme took on Mr Lunt's attempt to bamboozle the airline security team with his "set of poker chips".
If this had happened in Britain there would be all hell to pay and Mr Lunt would pick up the tab! However, the French seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to let this man on the plane, poker chips 'n'all.
It's up to us, the Great British public, to stand up against the likes of Mr Lunt and whatever loony left cause his prank was in aid of. As for the French, if you spent less time sauteing snails, smoking Gaulois and sending us your immigrants and more time making an example of these wannabe terrorists then you might go halfway towards becoming a respectable nation!
I can't check it at work as the internet is playing up again. It may be that GT ban YouTube viewing and that's the reason. If so, you have the option of:
1. Abseiling into the area in which the master computer is kept in the GT head office, cartwheeling through the alarm laser beams and hacking into the mainframe.
2. Looking at this website at home.
Could send you the MPEG but it's 53 meg. Actually, I'll be sending you (and everyone else) a CD with the pics/vid clips on soon and the YouTube clip'll be on it.
Managed to gain access, an excellent video all round. Love the pics of smaje - i sometimes forget just how good he is!! The amazing thing is, aly really does look like she is going fast, was that the use of a neat editing suite I expect??
Lunt - this is Terry - not sure why anonymous has came up, i am not registered.
I think you somewhat answered your own question.
When you post, you'll see there are three options: 1 login in under you blogger display name. 2 other 3 anonymous
you've chosen 3, which is why its anonymous. you can register with blogger and get an account to do 1, but that's probably not worth it. you can select 2 then enter any old name. which is what i've done.
fine video, lunt, fine video.
i trust you managed to get back ok yesterday, despite airport based setbacks? i do hope no intimate searching of your person was required.
Ace and ace and brill and ace. With that I reckon you've overtaken OG as King of the Youtubers.
Am now cursing myself for not joining you guys.
Any scandal then? What happened to Marie??
That is teh bestest video EVER. Love the editing, esp. the Smajey shots. My apologies for not getting any live video action of him, but there's a limit to how fast I can react to greased lightning flashing by.
Can you InterBox me a copy of this masterpiste? Gracias.
AE, Fyi Marie went for the 'twist and shout' on a red run, necessitating a hasty trip down the mountainside in a skidoo-drawn bodybag, medical shindiggery (kneediggery?) and a taxi back to our own resort.
She's now happily ensconsed in bed, having had me to do all the housework/food making/sorting of animals in the snow(!), and is chuckling to herself about not going into work for the next week or so.
(but seriously (now she's reading this), she's alright - the knee will take a few days to be properly useable though. I'll start preparing tomorrow's dinner now...)
Bravo, Lunt! An absolute masterpiece. Brilliant. Some fine action shots. Particularly enjoyed your impressive 360 - you'll be in the acrobatic contest next time.
What a great holiday, apart from Marie's injury. Glad to hear that she'll recover soon, although since she has Pete running round like an obedient butler, perhaps the knee might take a little longer than expected to heal ;-)?
Btw, I won't spoil the story for the readers, but I suggest that you make another post describing your incident with the French police - potential 'disaster for Lunt' if ever there was one.
Righto. It goes like this. I was walking through the xray/metal detector area at Chamonix airport and was waiting for my bag to come through the x-ray machine. Wondering why my bag wasn't coming out the other side I turned to the man looking at the screen who looked visibly worried. He then murmured to his pal for a while before bringing ALL of his security guard cronies (e.g. the people feeding stuff into the machines, the body searchers etc) over to the screen to have a look. Much screen pointing and murmuring occurred in the following minutes, including the immortal line from a guard to Charlotte when she asked what was going on - 'zis has the makings of a bomb'.
Eventually, after such time that the security folk looked convinced there was a primed explosive device sitting five foot from them, a bloke from the French plod came in to have a squiz. After yet more finger pointing and murmuring the policeman and a crony escorted me outside the building with my briefcase and walked me to a grassy an area away from the airport building (as to not kill to many people when my ‘bomb’ went off I presume). He then made me open my bag and pass the stuff to him. I took the black box I had in the bag out (clearly the main offending article), opened it up and handed it to him. He looked bemused at the sight of two hundred 11.5g plastic brightly coloured coin inlay poker chips, a set of plastic playing cards and a plastic dealer button. They must have thought that this was the bomb and the electronic game and phone wires in the bag was the detonating material.
I resisted the temptation to say 'KABOOM' when opening the box in order to avoid being shot/a custodial sentence.
I might sort the pictures out soon as well and plonk them on.
This rivals the famous McKnight football popping incident.
Richard Bin Lunt has a certain ring to it. France's most wanted.
That is pure genius - I can just see Lunt trying to arrange a few poker sessions in Guantanamo Bay
I for one can see no problem whatsoever with thoroughly inspecting a man who knowingly carries on to a plane ANY item which resembles an explosive device. I'm actually saddened by the lenient view the gendarme took on Mr Lunt's attempt to bamboozle the airline security team with his "set of poker chips".
If this had happened in Britain there would be all hell to pay and Mr Lunt would pick up the tab! However, the French seem to think it's perfectly acceptable to let this man on the plane, poker chips 'n'all.
It's up to us, the Great British public, to stand up against the likes of Mr Lunt and whatever loony left cause his prank was in aid of. As for the French, if you spent less time sauteing snails, smoking Gaulois and sending us your immigrants and more time making an example of these wannabe terrorists then you might go halfway towards becoming a respectable nation!
Lunt - does this work?
Lunt - this is Terry - not sure why anonymous has came up, i am not registered.
why does this skiing video on your front page not work for me. i press play and it doesn't show me anything other than 1 second of still shot.
Are you viewing this on a ZX Spectrum Terry?
I can't check it at work as the internet is playing up again. It may be that GT ban YouTube viewing and that's the reason. If so, you have the option of:
1. Abseiling into the area in which the master computer is kept in the GT head office, cartwheeling through the alarm laser beams and hacking into the mainframe.
2. Looking at this website at home.
Could send you the MPEG but it's 53 meg. Actually, I'll be sending you (and everyone else) a CD with the pics/vid clips on soon and the YouTube clip'll be on it.
Managed to gain access, an excellent video all round. Love the pics of smaje - i sometimes forget just how good he is!! The amazing thing is, aly really does look like she is going fast, was that the use of a neat editing suite I expect??
Terry (anonymous)
errington you animal
Lunt - this is Terry - not sure why anonymous has came up, i am not registered.
I think you somewhat answered your own question.
When you post, you'll see there are three options:
1 login in under you blogger display name.
2 other
3 anonymous
you've chosen 3, which is why its anonymous. you can register with blogger and get an account to do 1, but that's probably not worth it. you can select 2 then enter any old name. which is what i've done.
Can't you tell I had A BBC MIcro as a kid?
What, through your ability to read a set of instructions and follow them?
Or is that some obscure song line that I've missed.
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