Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big hol - post 6

Righto. Just been caving with an inner tube in Waitomo (which is about three hours from Auckland) and have a bit of time to kill prior to my bus to Rotorua arriving. Will therefore upload some snaps from the CD I bought up now as I'm likely break the flaming thing before I get home, knowing me. Either that or lose it.

This caving lark really was good fun. The water was damn deep as well. I couldn't touch the floor for a lot of the route. And the glow worms (one of the main reasons people do this particular activity) were amazing. Looked like a starry night when you turned the torch on your hat off. And if you make a big bang (or any loud noise) they light up much brighter. You learn something new every day.

...BUT (and it's a big but), New Zealand t'interweb is not fast enough to handle uploading lots of pics quickly. Below are the ones I managed to upload prior to the bus appearing.
Waitomo Caves - well above them anyway. Pretty, ain't it?

The guide clearly fancied himself as a bit of a creative photographer.
The result? A scene reminiscent of the Teletubbies.
My arse. No, really. It's my arse. And the inner tube I
selected fitted a treat (obvious opportunity for 'is it the inner tube
from a waggon wheel' style gag here, 'funny' friends).
The rabble who came caving with me.
Me, neck deep in water in a cave.
Me in a sort of inner tube snake thing with the randoms.
My work is done here.


At 5:10 AM, Blogger Owen said...

Either the guy behind you has 12 foot long legs, or you're obliviously holding the link behind you underwater.


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