Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kate Ashbridge

I heard earlier this week that I girl I used to work with in Watson Wyatt London, and who for a long time sat opposite me and then a couple of meters from me, was in a critical condition following a brain haemorrhage. I then heard the terrible news that she was not going to survive. She died yesterday aged 25. This girl was lovely. The kind of girl that everyone liked and no one had a bad thing to say about. Sometimes life is not fair. Really, it isn’t. Rest in peace Kate.

Vicki, Charlotte, Kate and Bina at Phil’s leaving do a few years ago.


At 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its funny, I went to school with her over ten years ago and heard something bad had happened but I didn't know what it was. This really wasn't what I wanted to see. All the best Kate. You will be missed.


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