Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pic post

Box and Mai at a kebabie in Angel in the wee hours.
Latest quiche. It's could have done with a spot of creme fraishe
and another egg or two, le masterchefs tell me.
Gartside runs into some competition.
Good work Anna. And yes that is beer.
Crosby seafront. My Wales house is on the horizon 'over the water',
as scouse/plastic scouse types say. Can you see my ma waving
from the window? Two iron men side by side on Crosby Beach.

They're these things.

Here's a cool 360 degree thing of the place.
Has someone, er, coloured him in?

Mother, complete with new hair do.
Da gang. Is VJ about to hoist up Bina's skirt?

No danger of balls dropping when it's Tranter's shot
(I believe I have just engaged in 'banter').
Suit's you actually MM. It's a good look.
You're a loser baby.
Sale of the Century.
"Delivery for Acres."


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