Monday, April 02, 2007

All hail King Croom

We have a LEGEND in our midst. I got up early last Sunday morning and sat there eagerly refreshing four Internet Explorer windows simultaneously again and again in the hope that one would get through to the Glastonbury ticket purchase website. After an hour and a quarter my finger was aching and my hope draining away........until (cue fanfare in the style of Mighty Mouse) that man Croomo phoned and muttered the magic words:

I’m on the ticket purchase screen - I’ll get one for you if you give me your registration number’.
Moments later, a Glasto ticket was safely bagged. The great, good and kind superhero master genius King Croomo (as he will now be known) is pictured below in Budapest in Dec 04. I will be printing this image off and worshiping it every day.
The magnificent image of the great, good and
kind superhero master genius King Croomo.

Incidentally, I found this nice one of me and Ms L posing on the
very same Budapest jolly when looking for the above pic.

I expect more of the same as last time. That is:

1. Lots of mud

2. Lots of fun to (very) questionable music

3. And lots of poking fun at people
who decided not to wear wellies.

Though I'd better watch my step re the last one. I think Box nearly gave me slapping at the time and that was before I posted it on the internet. Think I'd better lay low for a while.


At 1:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was not at all amused or impressed by Glastonbury 2004. However, after nearly 3 years I am starting to see the funny side.

Enough time has now passed for me to also concede to your argument that, despite the easy-draining and quick-drying nature of sandals, wellies would have been a much better choice of footwear.


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