Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The same ol’ trip it was baaaaacckkkkk then

Inspired by MWard's posts, and amazed by it's ease, here's a few whatsits from YouTube.

1. One of the current top plays on my iPod. An ace version of a song I think's ace. I nearly saw them live once but the singer was in a coma that day. He eventually died a hermit in his flat a few years after his girlfriend had died of a drug related heart condition and this turned him into a recluse. Not a story that would grace a Mills and Boone book.


2. The reason I think Zappa was an utter, utter mentalist. From 200 Motels.

P.S. My next post will be about some cheery music. Maybe.
P.P.S Guess who's the latest addition to our blog gang. We should have some leather jackets in the style the gangs in Grease made:

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Videos? I can do videos.

Shot of the championship.

A strategically placed phrase written in very large letters at the top
of a ski lift where thousands of people can see it plus............................

............another message for good measure equals...............

............much hilarity!

Let's see what Tel thinks!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Some Paris, Brugges and Saint Remy pics (2/2)

Who's the curlytot? (Find out a bit later as
the pics have uploaded in a silly order)
It's my rock star bro Adam outside some cafe in Nimes.
Good choice C. A magnificent beverage.
The curlytot is C. Ad's girlfriend platted her hair very tightly
and it looked like this afterwards. Quite cool I thought.
This beer, though tasting like it's gone off, is strangely addictive.
MM I know this is one of your tipples of choice.

Some Paris, Brugges and Saint Remy pics (1/2)

Tres classy.
Pa Lunt looking thrilled that I'm taking his pic. C photographed with a bloke with man boobs and a pot belly
(prime joke opportunity for the comment box friends)
There were a few of these in the Louvre. I think it's an Egyptian
house decoration showing a bro and sis. I think it's quite sweet. Attempt at an arty shot. Taken at the base.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hey little sister what have you done.

Fancied a McDonalds muffin this morn for the first time in many a moon. Was tucking in to it and then White Wedding by Billy Idol came on my iPod. The day can only get worse.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The demon drink

You know when your workmates say things such as the following that you probably overcooked it on the beers the previous night:
- "You were hammered last night Lunt"
- "What do you call a scouse actuary? Pissed"
- "You were hilarious last night, getting your belly out and doing the five belly shuffle"*

Further evidence of having a few too many is provided by me falling asleep on the Northern Line and having to taxi home from the end of it.

Luckily, I'm going prevent such things happening in future by not drinking any booze ever again. Ever.



* Doesn't ring a bell.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's a raise.

Kind of thing that'd happen to me.

Haven't had chance to read this site properly yet but the bloke who sent me the link says that it's serious. Dear me.....


The Fundamental Theorem Of 72 off suit:
- "Any time you aggressively play seven deuce off suit, the universe will bend the laws of short term probability in order to re-balance the long term probability abuses by those trashy players who only play premium hands." - Celeryman, 2004.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Le Snaps......

........are still not appearing. I wonder why? Hmmmmmm